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Species Account for Dendroxena quadrimaculata

PLEASE NOTE, many records in this group are not yet available

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Dendroxena quadrimaculata  (Scopoli, 1772)
Coleoptera: Silphidae

Dendroxena quadrimaculata Copyright: Sue Grayston

Maps produced by MapMate®. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Field Club 2024.
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.

Taxonomic group: beetles (Coleoptera) - Available county data

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Status: Nb

Essex RDB: Listed
Records: 3
First Record: 2009
Latest Record: 2016

1992-on hectads: 3
Pre-1992 hectads: 0
Total hectads: 3

Additional Phenology Data


Dendroxena quadrimaculata
Dendroxena quadrimaculata

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Essex Red Data List comment
Essex 1950-1969 record/s; VC18 pre-1970 record/s; VC19 pre-1970 record/s.


no broad habitat data available

no subhabitat data available

no structural habitat data available

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 3 records with habitat detail and method information)

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